Saturday, May 12, 2007

how to tie a necktie...

The windsor knot is a wide triangular knot that is usually worn for formal occasions, this type of knot should be worn with wide spread collar shirts.

1. Begin with the wide end on your right and extending real low leaving the narrow end quite short. (Pictures are mirror images, in other words images are what you would see if you were looking in a mirror.)

2. Bring the wide end of the tie over the narrow (right side to left side).

3. Bring the wide end up through the middle of the loop and to the left (left side to left side).

4. Bring the wide end behind the narrow end (left side to right side).

5. Bring the wide end of the tie through the middle of the loop (right side to left side).

6. Bring the wide end around the front (left side to right side).

7. Bring the wide end of the tie through the back of the loop (right side to center).

8. Hold the front of the knot loose with your index finger; pass the wide end down through the loop (created in step 6) in front.

9. Remove your finger and tighten the knot

10. Hold the narrow end and slide the knot up to the collar.

This post is dedicated to one my colleague. Hope this post will help you!! :P


At 3:45 AM, Blogger ThalaGolaa said...

oooh!! goody goody goody!!!

i always wanted to knot the tie myself. always had to wake my daddy up and ask him to do it for me before coming to work.. hehehe..

helpful article :D


At 4:48 AM, Blogger Forgiven said...

thats a really very helpful article for that colleague... hehhehe... lolz... :p :p

At 5:28 AM, Blogger nadhee said...

:) cool then thalagolaa!! enjoy tying!!

At 5:59 AM, Blogger (¯`·._.·[Eleventh-SephirA]·._.·´¯) said...

ummmm just for the record, who will be dumb enough to not know how to tie a tie dho... hehe, anyways thanx a LOOOOTTTTTSSSS and LOTSSS naDs Mwah

At 2:27 AM, Blogger ThalaGolaa said...

*hmph* lunar-vortex..

maybe i am that dumb person u are talking abt dho


i really don't know how to tie it myself..

thanxxx nadhee


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